Monday, August 23, 2010

KOK News Correspondent: Aakhon Dekha Haal

August 13, CM Basement, 1:42 am

The Table Tennis arena witnessed a one sided and consolidated victory by the favourites and dominant section 'C' a.k.a. 'Caminey Crusaders'. There was a feeling of confidence and positive energy as the TT team led by able Kandarp Suchak took on the underdogs 'HR' a.k.a. 'Hellraisers' in a best of seven series. The opening match was a walkover where kandarp displayed his consistency over his competitor. Siddarth was the next to outclass Amit from HR in a keenly contested match. Amrita led the girl brigade with a convincing win in straight sets to make it 3-0. With the next match scheduled to be a mixed doubles, there was a brief hold up as the Caminey Crusaders mixed doubles pair was incomplete due to the absence of Geetu. This led to a reshuffle of the schedule resulting in a men's doubles clash between Amit-Abhinav (Hellraisers) and Siddarth-Hardik (Caminey Crusaders). Again, it was a lost cause for the Hellraisers as the Sec-C boys rampaged home to make it a whitewash.

All the time, the Crusaders were cheered on by their exuberant and enthusiastic supporters who came prepared with posters and cheered home the advantage. The cheering party was ably led by the charismatic Bhuppi and the grandmaster Amruteshwar who came up with unique ways to distract the opposition. However, the cheering commitee of Caminey Crusaders have declared dissappointment at the low turnout.
More is expected out of the section who, according to sources, get enough sleep during Statistics lectures to charge themselves up for the brawl in the courts. However, Abhishek Jain remains positive and hopes to see a full house for the tomorrow's opening cricket match between Crusaders and the yet unnamed Section-A. All the Sec-Cs are requested to cheer for their Cricket and Tennis teams tomorrow.

Kandarp & Amrita make it seem easy

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